I Heart Salmon

I Heart Salmon

Delicious, easy recipe for Honey Soy Salmon.

One of my favorite things to eat is salmon, but it's a protein I only seem to get at restaurants. I don't usually think to make salmon at home – until last night. It all started when I tripped over a book at my friend's clean but slightly messy apartment. After I checked for skinned knees, I noticed the title - “Anticancer, A New Way of Life.” It was written by a David Servan-Schreiber, MD, PhD. My interest was piqued so I picked up the book and flipped it over to read the summary. I ended up reading the entire book in one sitting.

It was information overload, with many tips on how people living with cancer can fight it and how healthy people can prevent it.

And this is where the ocean swimming animal that is the focus of this blog comes back into this story. According to the book, topping the list of anti-cancer proteins is the almighty fish. Yeah to omega-3 fatty acids! I got thee to the nearest grocery store.

For dinner that night, and maybe for your dinner tonight, here's a simple and easy recipe for Honey Soy Salmon.

I served mine over green lentils and topped with sauteed onions


4 salmon fillets (fresh or frozen)

¼ cup pulp-free orange juice

1 cup low-sodium soy sauce

1 tbs rice wine vinegar

3 tbs honey

3 garlic cloves finely chopped


Combine honey, juice, soy sauce, vinegar and garlic in small pot.

Bring mixture to boil, stirring constantly. Let cool.

Marinade fillets in cooled sauce for 20 minutes.

Line baking sheet with aluminum foil and place fillets onto baking sheet.

Broil at 400 degrees F for 5-7 minutes or until salmon flakes off easily with a fork.